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This section covers syntax for defining arguments that your script can accept.

Arg Declarations

RSL takes a declarative approach to arguments. You simply declare what arguments your script accepts, and let RSL take care of the rest, including parsing user input.

Arguments are declared as part of an args block.

Here's an example for a script we'll call printwords which prints an input word N number of times:

    word string
    repeats int

for _ in range(repeats):

We can print its usage string using the --help flag:

rad printwords --help
  printwords <word> <repeats>

Script args:
      --word string
      --repeats int

This script defines two mandatory arguments: word that is expected to be a string, and repeats which is expected to be an integer.

Some important things to note:

  • All arguments can be defined positionally or via a flag.
  • The positional ordering of args follows the order of declaration in the block.
  • Flags are automatically generated and can be used by users to pass values for that argument, instead of doing it positionally.

Let's look at a more complex example to demonstrate some more features. Let's call it wordjoin.

    words string[]  # Words to join together.
    joiner j string = "-"  # Joiner for the words.
    should_capitalize "capitalize" c bool  # If true, capitalize the words.

if should_capitalize:
    words = words[upper(w) for w in words]

print(join(words, joiner))

If we run --help on this one:

rad wordjoin --help
  wordjoin <words> [joiner] [-c, --capitalize]

Script args:
      --words string,string    Words to join together.
      -j, --joiner string      Joiner for the words. (default -)
      -c, --capitalize         If true, capitalize the words.

Let's break down each declaration to see what's going on here.

  1. words string[] # Words to join together.

We declare an arg words which is a list of strings. Note that int[], float[] and bool[] can be used for int, float, and bool lists respectively. We also define an arg comment to make the usage string include a description of what the argument is.

  1. joiner j string = "-" # Joiner for the words.

We declare a second argument, this one a string called joiner. We also define a shorthand flag j, allowing users to specify the arg with a simple -j flag. After that, we define a default for this parameter that will be used if the user doesn't provide one. We finish with another arg comment.

  1. should_capitalize "capitalize" c bool # If true, capitalize the words.

We declare our final argument should_capitalize. We rename it with "capitalize", which will be what users see exposed to them, instead of the initial variable name. should_capitalize will remain the name of the variable to be referenced throughout the script. We define a shorthand c, and specify the parameter is a bool before finally giving it an arg comment.

Bool args are always false by default.

To bring it all together, this is the anatomy of an arg declaration (<angle brackets> represent it's required, [square brackets] indicate it's optional):

<name> [rename] [shorthand flag] <type> [= default] [# arg comment]

Feel free to go back up and check this against the example scripts we wrote, you'll see how each one fits this mold.


In addition to declaring the arguments themselves, RSL also allows you to declare constraints on those arguments, such as what kinds of values are valid.

By doing this in the args block, RSL can use this information to validate input for you, and automatically include in the information in your script's usage string.

If a user gives an input which doesn't meet one of the listed constraints, rad will print:

  1. The specific error and constraint that was violated.

  2. The usage string.


If you have a string argument where you really only want to accept some limited number of known values, you can use an enum constraint.

Let's use a simple example, we'll call the script colors:

    color string
    color enum ["red", "green", "blue"]
print("You like {color}!")

If we print the usage string, you can see it tells users what values are valid:

rad colors --help
  colors <color>

Script args:
      --color string    Valid values: [red, green, blue].

If we invoke this script with a value outside the listed valid values:

rad colors yellow
Invalid 'color' value: yellow (valid values: red, green, blue)
  colors <color>

Script args:
      --color string    Valid values: [red, green, blue].

Whereas using a valid value will run the script as intended:

rad colors green
You like green!


If you'd like input strings to match a certain pattern, you can do that via a regex constraint.

    name string
    name regex "[A-Z][a-z]*"
print("Hi, {name}")

In this example, a valid name value must start with a capital letter, and can then be followed by any number of lowercase letters. No other characters will be accepted, so Alice will be a valid value, but bob or John123 are not.

As with other constraints, rad will validate input against this regex, and if it doesn't match, it will print an error. The constraint is also printed in the script's usage string.


  • RSL takes a declarative approach to args. Rad handles parsing user input.
  • All args can be specified positionally or via a flag from the user.
  • The anatomy of an arg declaration is this:

    <name> [rename] [shorthand flag] <type> [= default] [# arg comment]

  • You can apply constraints to arguments inside the arg block, such as enum and regex constraints.

  • Details in the arg block are used by rad to provide a better usage/help string.


Nice, let's now look at another RSL feature which makes it uniquely suited to certain types of scripting: Rad Blocks.